Hello Students,
As many of you know, Dr. Vijay D. Gokhale Sir has always wished to and has succeeded in creating good, coder-teachers from his students and is always ready to provide a dais for them to teach.
For the past 10 years, his students have been teaching certain chapters of ‘The Design of the UNIX Operating System’ by Maurice J. Bach, at the UNIX Batches of the class and by now, it has become a tradition!
This year onwards, Dr. Gokhale Sir has opened another door of golden opportunity for his students by providing one more dais for teaching.
We conducted two back-to-back ‘Computer Fundamentals’ seminars this year – first on 26th-27th January, 2019 (for UNIX 2018 Batch and Others) and second on 2nd-3rd February, 2019 (for RTR 2018 Batch and Others). In the first session of the second day of the ‘Computer Fundamentals’ seminar, you learn ‘How to assemble your own PC’ by practically getting familiar with the main hardware components of a computer, right from the processors to the cabinets.
Until last year, Amit Kulkarni Sir used to conduct this session. This year it was not possible for him to conduct the same due to some prior commitments and Sir saw this as a time to bring in some change. Hence, this year, Hrishikesh Dombe, Gokhale Sir’s student of batches UNIX 2015, WinRT 2016 and RTR 2017, who has also attended all of Sir’s seminars, conducted this session on both days – 27th January 2019 and 3rd February 2019 and it has turned out to be a very successful decision.
Now here onwards, for every Computer Fundamentals Seminar, the same session will be conducted only by those students of Gokhale Sir, who will be found as eligible to carry the said responsibility on their shoulders before an audience of around 225 students.
Best Regards,
Team, AstroMediComp.