
“Walking” the Path that was “Known” for years!

Hello Students,

Two days’ Multi-OS Seminar 2020 concluded on 1st March, 2020.

For the first time Miss. Pradnya Vijay Gokhale (Dr. Vijay D. Gokhale Sir’s Daughter) conducted the morning session of Sunday (11:00 am to 01:00 pm), including Virtualization and hibernation. She was assisted by Mr. Aashish Ayyar.

One line feedback about her session is :
Small footprint of Simba started matching “exactly” with the larger footprint of Mufasa ( A scene from the movie : Disney’s The Lion King ).

Some time before she received applause for “coding” and now she has received the same for “teaching”.

On her success, Sir said :
Pradnya proved समर्थ रामदास म्हणतात “क्रियेविण वाचाळता व्यर्थ आहे.”

Team, AstroMediComp.