To Create A Project In Visual Studio 2010 : All the steps for creation of a project in Visual Studio 10 are the same as those given for the creation of a project in Visual Studio 2008 except : -> Note that immediately after you open Visual Studio 2010, the first thing to do even before creating a project is to open the 'Solution Explorer'. To open the 'Solution Explorer', click on - 'View' Menu > 'Solution Explorer'. Now, you may continue creation of your project following the same steps as they are for Visual Studio 2008 -> Also note that, you will find the 'Visual C++' option in the same location, that is, in the 'Add New Item' dialog box, in the left pane, but only under 'Installed Templates' this time. The steps for creating multiple files in a single project and those for addition of existing files to a project are the same as those given for Visual Studio 2008.